Zeft AI (ZeftAI) is the World’s first ever AI-powered education app. Zeft AI is using advanced Artificial Intelligence to understand student’s needs using algorithms and provide a solution to them. It includes a list of AI-generated videos, articles, and research work to help students in learning. Zeft AI is built on a foundation of sophisticated algorithms that enable it to understand the unique needs and preferences of individual students. Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all education. With Zeft AI, each student’s journey is tailored to their specific strengths, weaknesses, and learning style. By analysing data on a student’s previous performance, areas of interest, and even their real-time engagement with the app, Zeft AI creates a personalized roadmap for their educational growth.
Zeft AI was initially launched in 2017 under a different name (www.ekaif.com). With the latter advancement and launch of OpenAI’s GPT, we planned to relaunch the app again under a new name and hence a new initiative.
It is probably a fortune for us that it is still not too late to enter the market. Thanks to the traditional education mindset, we have yet to convince the people that Artificial Intelligence is a technology and is meant to benefit humanity.
Zulkaif Riaz is the man behind the Zeft AI. He is a Pakistani Content Writer and Entrepreneur. Zulkaif Riaz is on the mission of digitalisation of Education with the advanced Artificial Intelligence. You can know more about him and his mission by clicking the below button.